
  1. Damsel Distresser (strong)
  2. Dandy Lion (strong)
  3. Dark Stormy Knight
  4. Dart Boar
  5. Darth Invader
  6. Day Shift Vampire
  7. Daydream Bereaver
  8. Daymare
  9. Dead Horse
  10. Dead Ringer
  11. Dead Sea Troll
  12. Dead Survivor
  13. Dead Terrorist
  14. Dead Wringer
  15. Deaf Leopard
  16. Debuffalo
  17. Decepticorn
  18. Decomposing Composer
  19. Deconstruction Worker
  20. Deep Crow
  21. Deer God (strong)
  22. Defective Inspector
  23. Defender of Injustice
  24. Deformed Rabbit
  25. Dehumanizer
  26. Déjà-Vulture
  27. Delirium Tremendous
  28. Deliverator
  29. Delusionist
  30. Delusionist of Grandeur
  31. Demoted Plutocrat
  32. Demotivational Speaker
  33. Depressed Robot
  34. Depresso Machine
  35. Desert Beagle
  36. Desert Eagle
  37. Desperadon't
  38. Desperate House Elf
  39. Despicable Ewe
  40. Destroyer of Words
  41. Destruction Crane
  42. Detention Centaur
  43. Detour Guide
  44. Deus Ex Machinist
  45. Devil Wearing Nada (strong)
  46. Devil's Advocate
  47. Diary Page Golem
  48. Diction Fairy
  49. Diet Sprite
  50. Digested Reader
  51. Dire Squirrel
  52. Dirt Devil
  53. Dirty Cheetah
  54. Disarmadillo
  55. Disassembly Lion
  56. Disasterisk
  57. Disastronaut
  58. Discardinal
  59. Discomancer
  60. Discontent Creator
  61. Discordion Player
  62. Disgruntled Customer
  63. Disgruntled Postal Clerk
  64. Dismissionary
  65. Dispelling Bee
  66. Displeasurebot (strong)
  67. Disrespectre
  68. Distant Siren
  69. Distilled Spirit
  70. Djinn-in-Tunic
  71. Do Badder
  72. Do-Re-Mimic
  73. Doctor Hu
  74. Doctor Whoa
  75. Doctor Why
  76. Dogfather
  77. Dogmatic Cat
  78. Dominant Genie (strong)
  79. Doom Shroom
  80. Dopaminer
  81. Doppelgangster
  82. Dork Knight
  83. Dotcommando (strong)
  84. Double Chinchilla
  85. Double Dragon (strong)
  86. Double Tap Dancer
  87. Double-Cross Dresser
  88. Double-Edged Lord
  89. Doubt Collector
  90. Downward Facing Dog
  91. Doyouthinkhesaurus
  92. Draculator
  93. Dragon With A Girl Tattoo (strong)
  94. Dragon-Sized Fly (strong)
  95. Dragonspayer
  96. Drain Snake
  97. Dramagician
  98. Dramatic Chipmunk
  99. Dreaded Gazebo (strong)
  100. Dreadnautilus
  101. Dreadneck
  102. Dream Shatterer
  103. Dream Weaver
  104. Dress Code Decrypter
  105. Drinkerbell
  106. Drop Bear
  107. Dryer Gnome
  108. Duct Ape
  109. Duct Tape Golem
  110. Duke of Haphazard
  111. Dummy
  112. Dumpster Friar
  113. Dunce Instructor
  114. Duperman
  115. Dust Bunny (strong)
  116. Dust Devil (strong)
  117. Dyna Mite
  118. Dysenterrier
  119. Dyslexic Agnostic
  120. Dyson Steer