
  1. Obli-Gator
  2. Oblique Angel
  3. Obscene Jester
  4. Obsolete Techie
  5. Obtuse Angler
  6. OctoBear (strong)
  7. Octopuss in Boots
  8. Offense Attorney
  9. Ogre Achiever (?)
  10. Old Town Rogue
  11. Olfactory Worker
  12. Olympic Mentalist
  13. Olympic Torturer
  14. Omniscient Ignoramus
  15. Omnomnomnivore
  16. On-and-off Guard
  17. One-And-A-Halfling (?)
  18. One-and-a-Halfling (strong)
  19. One-Armed Archer
  20. One-Armed Bandit
  21. One-Eyed Beholder
  22. One-hit Wanderer
  23. One-Hit Wonder
  24. One-Legged Centipede
  25. Onion Ringleader
  26. Onomatopoet
  27. Open Sorceror
  28. Operetta Phantom
  29. Opinion Peddler
  30. Optical Illusionist
  31. Optimus Slime
  32. Orc Angel
  33. Orc Bishop
  34. Orc de Triomphe
  35. Orc of the Covenant
  36. Orc-in-the-Road
  37. Organ Grinder
  38. Origami Dragon
  39. Original Impostor
  40. ORLY Owl
  41. Orthodontisaur (strong)
  42. Oscillating Fanboy
  43. Ottoman Umpire
  44. Out-of-Commissioner
  45. Out-of-Frame Monster
  46. Out-of-Service Dog
  47. Out-of-Shapeshifter
  48. Out-of-Tuna
  49. Out-Sorcerer
  50. Outsourced Monster
  51. Oval Lord
  52. Over-Confident Noob (?)
  53. Over-Seasoned Warrior
  54. Overbearing Waiter
  55. Overconfident Noob
  56. Oxy-Moron
  57. Ozone Slayer