
  1. Name-with-no-Horse
  2. Nanomanager
  3. Napalm Reader
  4. Narcoleptic Hypnotist
  5. Narcoleptic Sheep
  6. Natural Selector (strong)
  7. Nature's Wraith (strong)
  8. Navi-Gator
  9. Nayslayer
  10. Ne'er-do-Whale (strong)
  11. Nearly Departed
  12. Nearsighted Sniper
  13. Necessary Evil
  14. Neck Romancer
  15. Necromantis
  16. Necropanzer
  17. Necrophobic Zombie
  18. Neferkitty
  19. Negligentleman
  20. Neighborhood Witch
  21. Neighbourhood Witch (?)
  22. Nerd of Steel (strong)
  23. Nervous Tick
  24. Net Troll
  25. Never-Ending Storyteller
  26. Nevermind Flayer
  27. Neverwinter Knight
  28. Neverwinter Wight
  29. New Times Roman
  30. News Flasher
  31. Next Available Agent
  32. Niceferatu
  33. Nicelander
  34. Nightmarionette
  35. Nine Inch Snail
  36. Ninja Pirate
  37. Ninja Tortoise
  38. Ninjabread Man
  39. Nitro Djinn
  40. No Holds Bard
  41. No Man's Landlord
  42. No-good Do-gooder
  43. Nobel Prizefighter
  44. Noble Ghast
  45. Nobody's Prefect
  46. Nobodyguard
  47. Nomad Hatter
  48. Nomad Scientist
  49. Non Sequiturtle
  50. Non-Euclidean Geomancer
  51. Non-Terminal Repeating Phantasm (strong)
  52. Nondescript Villain
  53. Nonplussed Adder
  54. Northpole Dancer
  55. Nose Runner
  56. Nosferatuna
  57. Nostradamoose
  58. Not a Big Dealer
  59. Not Dead Yeti
  60. Not-of-this-Earth Worm
  61. Not-So-Brave Knight
  62. Not-So-Gentleman
  63. Not-so-Scary Monster
  64. Notary of Death (strong)
  65. Novel Protagonist
  66. Nuclear Overreactor (strong)
  67. Nuclear Watchdog (strong)
  68. Nuclear-Powered Plant (strong)
  69. Nun of Your Business
  70. Nursery Mime
  71. Nutjob Cracker