
  1. Fabergé Chicken
  2. Facepalm Reader
  3. Fail Whale (strong)
  4. Fairweather Fiend
  5. Fairy Godfather
  6. False Cod (?)
  7. False Witness
  8. Famous Decomposer
  9. Fangless Vampire
  10. Fantastic Foe
  11. Farce of Nature (strong)
  12. Fashion Insultant
  13. Fashion Offender
  14. Fat Cat
  15. Fat Chancellor
  16. Fault Dueler
  17. Faux Hawk
  18. Fearfighter
  19. Feathered Boa Constrictor
  20. Fedora Rat
  21. Fee-Fi Foe
  22. Felinethropist
  23. Feral Hero (strong)
  24. Feral Internet Meme
  25. Feral Muppet
  26. Feral Pet Rock
  27. Feral Rocking Horse
  28. Fiend of a Fiend
  29. Fiendly Reminder
  30. Fifth Elephant (strong)
  31. Fight Cub
  32. Fightaholic
  33. Fightoplankton
  34. Fighty Duck
  35. File Executioner
  36. Filefry
  37. Final Frontiersman (strong)
  38. Finger Lickin' Goon
  39. Finger Puppet Master
  40. Fire Ent (strong)
  41. Fire Hydra (strong)
  42. Firebreathing Dragoon
  43. Firefox (strong)
  44. Firequacker
  45. First Impressionist
  46. First Person Shooter
  47. Fisherman's Fiend
  48. Fishin' Chipmunk
  49. Five o'clock Shadow
  50. Five-Alarm Friar
  51. Flagrant Mispeller
  52. Flame-Ingo
  53. Flaming Snowman (?)
  54. Flamingo Dancer
  55. Flappy Bard
  56. Flash Gorgon
  57. Flash Mobster (?)
  58. Flash Player
  59. Flattering Ram
  60. Flaw Enforcer
  61. Fleasaur
  62. Floating Eyeball
  63. Floodgatekeeper
  64. Floral Wraith
  65. Florist Gump
  66. Flugelhornet
  67. Fly-By Knight
  68. Flying Carpet Bomber
  69. Flying Saucier
  70. Flying Skull
  71. Flying Spaghetti Monster
  72. Fnord
  73. Foever
  74. Forbidden Fruit Fly
  75. Forest Grump
  76. Forget-Me Gnat
  77. Formaldehydra (strong)
  78. Former Transformer
  79. Fortune Seller
  80. Fortune Wookiee
  81. Foul Fowl
  82. Fox-In-Socks
  83. Fractal Elf
  84. Fractaldactyl
  85. Fragmatist
  86. Fragrant Skunk
  87. Frankenfurter
  88. Frankintestine
  89. Free-Range Prisoner
  90. Freed Radical
  91. Freelancelot
  92. Frequent Flayer
  93. Fridge Magnate
  94. Fridge Raider
  95. Friend of a Foe
  96. Frog of War (strong)
  97. Front Stabber
  98. Frost Mite
  99. Fruit Ninja
  100. Frying Dutchman
  101. Full Metal Jackrabbit (strong)
  102. Full-Metal Arsonist
  103. Fun Dementalist
  104. Fund Raider
  105. Fundead (strong)
  106. Funeral Crasher